Why do one sport when you can do five?

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Upcoming events

Taster sessions

The first two weeks of training are completely free! Come to whatever training session you want (see training timetable below) and get to know the sport and the club 🙂


What better way to end our two weeks of free taster sessions than with a taster competition?

Cuppers will be held on Sunday October 23rd and comprises of fencing followed by the combined event (running and shooting), so people can get to know the competition format and, most of all, have a lot of fun!

Novice Varsity

Many people’s first real taste of competing. Novice Varsity is a tetrathlon competition (without horse riding) against our rivals at Oxford. This year it will be held in Cambridge on Saturday November 12th, with the competition held during the day and a dinner and night out to celebrate afterwards.

What is Modern Pentathlon?

Modern Pentathlon is an Olympic and Full Blue sport comprising running, swimming, shooting, fencing and obstacle course racing. We have a wide range of abilities – anyone is welcome to join us whether they have never done any of the sports before or are a seasoned pentathlete.


Epée fencing, one hit only!


200m freestyle.

Laser Run

4x800m running with 10m laser shooting in between (similar to skiing biathlon).

Obstacle Course Racing

70m dash with 8 obstacles.

Pentathlon in Cambridge

Weekly Training

We train for all 5 sports every week during term time. Details are in the weekly email but a general timetable can be found below.

Training Timetable


Many fun competitions leading to Varsity against Oxford.


A lot of socials!

You can follow the club on Instagram to learn more about it.

Follow Us




 7am to 8am

 The Leys' School


 6pm to 7:30pm

 University Sports Centre




Strength & Conditioning

 7:30am to 8:30am

 University Sports Centre



 University Sports Centre



 6pm to 7pm

 The Leys' School


 5:30pm to 6:30pm

 Wilberforce Road Track

City Fencing

 7pm to 10pm

 The Netherhall school

 Experienced fencers only





 9am to 9:30am

 Storey's Field

 Coldham's Common


 3:45pm to 5:15pm

 The Leys' School



 10am to 12pm

 University Sports Centre

 Non-beginner fencers only

sign-up sheets for Riding lessons are published on a weekly basis, with multiple slots available every week

Meet the committee

Picture of Anniko Firman

Anniko Firman


Picture of Tads Ciecierski-Holmes

Tads Ciecierski-Holmes


Picture of Lauren Airey

Lauren Airey

Women’s Captain

Picture of Rudi Bruijn-Yard
I came to CUMPC as a trained Modern Pentathlete, having attended academy training at Hartpury College and as a Whitgift alumnus. I was greeted by an overwhelmingly welcoming and committed training environment. It's been fantastic getting to know the squad, who now feel like a family (mostly bonded through the shared pain of early morning swimming sessions). As captain, I have seen enormous improvements under my instruction in shooting and fencing and hope that we can build on that this coming year. My sights (shooting pun I know... sue me) are set on another team varsity victory; let's see if we can do what we do best and crush the dark blues! I look forward to welcoming the new freshers and sharing the best club with you all!

Rudi Bruijn-Yard

Men’s Captain

Picture of Anna Basford

Anna Basford


Picture of Laura Dearn

Laura Dearn


Picture of Tads Ciecierski-Holmes
CUMPC’s most senior current member, I’ve been with the club since 2017, when I started as a complete novice. Since then I have competed in 5 Varsity matches, been a part of 3 winning men’s teams, won both an individual BUCS gold in 2022 as well as the team gold in 2023, taken on multiple committee positions including President, Vice-President,and Treasurer, and coached swimming and shooting for the club over the years. With clinical rotations now taking up more of my time, I’ll be looking after the safety aspects of club life.

Tads Ciecierski-Holmes

Health & Safety Officer

Picture of Sandy Hickson

Sandy Hickson

Social Secretary

Picture of Kate Jacovides

Kate Jacovides

Welfare Officer

Picture of Laura Dearn

Laura Dearn

Riding Officer

Picture of Orlando Timmerman

Orlando Timmerman

Triathlon Liason Officer

Picture of Rebecca Rylands

Rebecca Rylands

Stash Officer

"The most perfect athletes are the pentathletes because in their bodies strength and speed are combined in beautiful harmony"

Aristotle - Pentathlon admirer

Old Blues

In the words of Anna Gibbons, Old Blues President:

“CUMPC has fantastic links with its ever growing group of alumni (or “Old Blues”, as we like to affectionately call them!). I am fortunate to be Old Blues President, which involves supporting the current CUMPC members and helping maintain the link with the alumni. The links between past and present CUMPC members are very strong, so much so we have run joint training camps abroad! We always look forward to meeting new CUMPC members throughout the year at various events, from the annual competition between current club and Old Blues, BUCS, Varsity and Annual dinner. Old Blues provide a lot of the volunteer support for these competitions and will be there cheering along from the sidelines!

I was involved in the club from 2015-2019 so know many of the recent Old Blues. I would love to hear from any alumni that wish to join our Old Blues mailing list to keep up to date with all the various events and news from the current club.”


Most frequently asked questions and answers

How much does it cost?
We aim to keep our membership fee as affordable and accessible as possible, so we subsidise all training sessions! Subs per term are set at ÂŁ70. This includes all training sessions and coaching!
Do I need to know how to ride?
No, many people learn to ride when they start while others only train for Tetrathlon (run, shoot, swim, fence).
Is there a varsity match?
Yes! Our annual Varsity match, held at Tonbridge School, is the main competition of the year and is consistently named by members as the highlight of their year.
I don't want to compete?
Then just train for fun!
Do I need my own kit?
No, the club provides most of it! You just need trainers and swimming kit.

Social Media

Interested in joining? Any questions? Feel free to reach out!





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Important Documents

Code of Conduct




Welfare Policy


Privacy Notice


Risk Assessment


Safety Policy
